PostAuthorIcon Posted by: admin PostDateIcon June 28, 2012

Getting into college is difficult, but it is even harder if you do not have a high school diploma or GED certificate. In fact, it is pretty much impossible to further your education if you do not have one or the other. But I found a way around that. I got into college with a fake diploma.
Like many kids these days, I dropped out of high school at the age of sixteen. I went to work every day and partied every night, but I didn’t think about getting a degree or that I would ever need to. Then, as I got older, I realized that if I didn’t want to work in fast food for the rest of my life, I needed to get a college degree. But I didn’t want to have to get my GED, because that would take even longer. Plus I have heard that the GED is really hard, much harder than high school was. So I decided to get a fake diploma.
With my fake diploma I was able to apply to colleges and universities in my area. I even applied for some online schools, which were much less strict. Some of the colleges and universities wanted a copy of my high school transcripts to go with my degree. This was easy to do, because I was able to get fake transcripts to go with my fake diploma at the same place. The transcripts showed me as being a model student with great grades. No one ever questioned my diploma. They didn’t check to see if the diploma and transcripts were real. They took them at face value, and I never looked back.
You can get your own fake diploma and transcripts at Use them to get into college, technical school, or an online school.

Categories: Fake Diploma

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